Growth is an important part of any organization, be it a corporate or a social body, a church, or a business.
There is a striking lesson from the life of John the Baptist that I would love to share with you and I know would be of great help to the growth of your organization.
The account of Mathew 3:1-13 recorded that John the Baptist was a “voice in the wilderness” and right there where he was in the wilderness, people trooped in to listen to him.
He had just one message; “Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand”. His assignment was to prepare the way of the Lord and that he did. And we see that he had great results.
Do you want to grow your organization/Church/Business?
Know your message, own it, and shout it on the mountaintop. When you know and own your message, your audience will come to you.
There’s someone or a thousand out there who needs to hear your voice (message) from the wilderness (location) where you are! How will they hear if there’s no one to preach (the message) to them?
Your growth is dependent on your message.
What is your message? Who is your audience? What exactly is your voice supposed to echo from that wilderness? Find (know) your message, own it, and see your organization grow in all aspects that you desire.
The sector you are in or your mountain of influence doesn’t matter, the law is the same. Your message is true to you only and your growth is dependent on it.
Find it and preach it, we all have a message!
Do you need help determining your unique message? Get help from our course archives or book a session today.