Jesus’s ministry on the earth was done. He had gone to the cross and risen from the dead. Then He revealed Himself to His disciples and taught them again for 40 days. On one of those days, He gave them the ultimate instruction that would change the trajectory of their lives after He was finally gone from them.
Although the Apostles had walked with Jesus for 3 years mostly, the guess is, why couldn’t they just get into doing greater works as Jesus said was possible to those who believed in Him? They had seen blind eyes open, the lame man had walked again, and the one who was possessed had been delivered. They had seen all manner of miracles but for them to operate powerfully, they could not function in power by proxy.
This was key for me because even when we think God has given us a promise, a new idea, a new concept, the next big project and whatnot, we may never be ever to function maximally without getting endowed with the same Spirit that walked with Him.
It, therefore, meant to me that the success of any new assignment or season in God is determined by how we steward the announcement of the assignment in the stillness of soul, and positioning of prayers.