You are looking for a solution to your current challenge, as a Creator or a Leader.
You are so desperate in search of answers especially because you are very sure that if you can crack this code, your life will be bigger, better and more powerful.
You have tried every strategy possible to get the kind of growth, visibility and fame that you strongly desire.
You have spoken to people who know how to add 1 + 1 together to make 1,000,000 but everything they have done for you is nothing compared to what your soul is yearning for.
You are grateful, but you want more.
More expansion
More visibility
More reach
More influence
More power
More profit
You just want more.
And there is nothing wrong with wanting more. Wanting more is part of our human nature and our divine make-up. We have the desire for more because we question the status quo. We desire to birth more visions beyond current results. To be more recognised in our industries and on platforms.
Even God wants us to be more. God desires that we are not complacent, at any time, thinking we have arrived. So wanting more is a good sign that you are on course with destiny most times.
But you see, the solution you are seeking is not outside your environment. It is not even within your environment.
It is not first in the hand of another. Your solution is you.
You are the environment for your solution and you are the solution.
Read that again and let it sink.
You are the environment and you are the solution.
Everything you are seeking is what you can deliver and have been designed to deliver.
But you don’t believe it because the world has conditioned us to think that our answers are outside us.
You are your answer.
You are the answer your life is waiting for.
You need to start believing in yourself again.
That situation is waiting for you to make that decision because you are the one who truly knows your capacities and boundaries. Nobody knows you like you.
You have the mind of Christ and the Spirit in you knows and reveals truth to you.
Your brilliance is out of this world and even though it may be as small as the mustard seed or seem as insignificant as the yeast may look, YOU ARE THE BRILLIANCE YOUR LIFE IS SEEKING.
If you need help proving your brilliance or investing in yourself for the work you have been designed to deliver, you can get a resource here.
If you believe in your brilliance the way you believe in the brilliance of others, your life will shine bright just as you have been desiring it.
If you would believe in the seed of greatness on your inside and pay attention to it. If you just have faith in that thing you have called a small idea or a small gift, you’ll realise that you’ve been sitting on gold instead of mining it.
Matt 17:20 says: He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
There is no height too high for you if you have faith in your brilliance, your strategies, and your methods. Nothing is truly impossible for you if you believe.
He used another illustration. “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman mixed into a large amount of flour until the yeast worked its way through all the dough.”
According to Matthew 13:33, your brilliance is like a yeast. It may seem small, but it is what will significantly cause your rising.
Trust in it. Believe in it. And you’ll reap its rewards.
Remember, your solution is not outside of you. You are the embodiment of your solution.
It’s all you.
P.S.: If you have been looking for ways to partner with us, we have now created an avenue for that to happen. When you choose to partner with us, you get exclusive access to all our media and ministry premium resources. Click here to find out more about becoming a Corporate Church Partner.
Have a great week ahead!