Did you know?

Your life’s assignment is first Intercessory before It is An Intervention. It Is Time to Close That Gap. Your Life is Bigger Than You Think It Is.

To Consider & Incubate God's Presence In Real-Time For The Days Coming

To Be equipped & Empowered To Take Territories As A Global Voice & Functionary

To Expand Your Mind, Capacity and Abilities To Enable You Reach The Places God Has Mapped For Your Destiny

To ascend in revelation and light so you can access All God Has provided for you to Win in life, at home and with the work you have been given


Confront the Status of being less than.You can win in life. And the time is now!


This Program is for you if


 I’m excited you landed on this page and on this section because it means there’s something that interests you about joining The Warrior School. 

More than 10 years ago, I began my journey learning about the person of the Holy Spirit and that became the beginning of my life’s transformation. For many days, weeks and months I cried to hear God speak to me after I dedicated my life to Him. It was on this journey that the Lord began to speak to me about my intercessory gift and calling. Since then, the Lord has taken me through a process of intercession and intervention, and how it is important in the days of the establishment of His Kingdom. 

The Warrior's School

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Closes Soon!


 I’m excited you landed on this page and on this section because it means there’s something that interests you about joining The Warrior School. 

More than 10 years ago, I began my journey learning about the person of the Holy Spirit and that became the beginning of my life’s transformation. For many days, weeks and months I cried to hear God speak to me after I dedicated my life to Him. It was on this journey that the Lord began to speak to me about my intercessory gift and calling. Since then, the Lord has taken me through a process of intercession and intervention, and how it is important in the days of the establishment of His Kingdom. 

By calling and by profession, I am a communications professional and I have experienced the explosive power of the intersection of intervention and intercession. Since 2019, I have actively functioned in these roles and the Lord has commanded results through these functions.  

The Lord is enlisting many into His army in these days and I am SENT to you so your life can also begin to command NEXT LEVEL results on earth as you walk with Him. It is time for you to stand in the future God already has designed for you. It is time to step into your Kingship and Priesthood roles as an entrusted functionary of God’s Kingdom. God has already designed your life, and it is a life of abundance. Join me inside The Warrior’s School to unlock God’s favour and fervor on your life. I can’t wait to see you inside!